Theory 3:
Energy Efficiency in Existing Structures

Teaching Units

  1. Energy policy and international standards related to building energy design.
  2. Energy use in the built environment.
  3. Methodologies for assessing the energy-environmental performance of buildings.
  4. Indoor environmental quality—thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort.
  5. Parameters affecting the energy balance of buildings (heat transfer).
  6. Energy design—Available technology.
  7. Methodologies for analyzing energy performance (energy simulations).
  8. Practical exercise.


  1. Handbook of Green Building Design and Construction, Second Edition: LEED, BREEAM, and Green Globes (2nd Edition), Sam Kubba, Butterworth-Heinemann Publ., ISBN-13: 978-0128104330.
  2. Net Zero Energy Design: A Guide for Commercial Architecture (1st Edition), Thomas Hootman, Wiley Publ., ISBN-13: 978-1118018545.
  3. Details for Passive Houses: Renovation: A Catalogue of Ecologically Rated Constructions for Renovation, IBO - Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology (Editor), Birkhäuser Architecture Publ., ISBN-13: 978-3035609530.
  4. Energy Modeling in Architectural Design (1st Edition), Timothy L. Hemsath and Kaveh Alagheh Bandhosseini, Routledge, ISBN-13: 978-1138889392.
  5. Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings (Solar Heating and Cooling) (1st Edition), Andreas Athienitis and William O'Brien, Ernst & Sohn, ISBN-13: 978-3433030837.
  6. Energy Manual: Sustainable Architecture (Construction Manuals), Birkhäuser Architecture Publ., ISBN-13: 978-3764388300.
  7. Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects (4th Edition), Norbert Lechner, Wiley Publ., ISBN-13: 978-1118582428.