Quality Policy Statement of the Academic Unit


The Postgraduate Program (MSc) of the Department of Architecture (TAM) at the School of Engineering of the University of Thessaly, titled "Reuse of Buildings and Complexes," aims to provide students with the necessary scientific knowledge, skills, and competencies to support their personal academic development and future professional career. It seeks to shape architects who are both technically proficient and socially and culturally sensitive.

Program Objectives

The program is designed to conduct structured theoretical and practical research in the following areas:

  1. The reuse of existing abandoned and underutilized buildings, complexes, and areas by assigning them new functions.
  2. The structural, constructional, and energy-efficient upgrading of these spaces.

The reuse of past architecture has been practiced for centuries, contributing to the preservation of significant monuments of world heritage while also providing insights into the technical culture of the respective eras. Globally, the practice of adaptive reuse is considered the most environmentally responsible approach for the sustainable and balanced development of cities. In contrast, demolition without any evaluation has been largely abandoned and is deemed an unacceptable solution worldwide.

Causes of Urban Decline and Need for Reuse

Key reasons for the decline, degradation, and abandonment of individual buildings and entire urban or industrial areas include globalization, shifting economic conditions, land use changes, the relocation of commercial hubs, and the aging of building stock. In European cities, adaptive reuse has been widely implemented for decades, while in Greece, interest in the practice began around 20 years ago and intensified, especially during the economic crisis of the last decade. Many buildings, particularly in urban centers, fell into complete disuse due to minimal or no demand for their original function.

Abandoned residential, administrative, commercial, and industrial buildings, old hotels, healthcare facilities, warehouses, and more have created large urban voids, disrupting the continuity and functionality of cities. The initial uncertainty regarding their reuse has gradually given way to a renewed interest in their potential transformation.

However, critical questions arise:

  • Under what conditions will this transformation take place?
  • Are there established rules, methodologies, and legal frameworks guiding this process?
  • How compatible are new functions with the architectural, structural, and constructional integrity of existing buildings?

The level of intervention must be based on well-documented decisions and interdisciplinary collaboration to ensure scientifically, technically, and economically sound solutions.

Educational Goals of the MSc Program

The MSc program "Reuse of Buildings and Complexes" aims to:
A) Provide high-level education with a student-centered approach.
B) Align learning outcomes with the European and National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, in accordance with scientific, technological, and professional standards (EU Directive 2005/36/EC, Article 46).
C) Regularly update the curriculum to reflect scientific and technological advancements.
D) Encourage collaboration with academic institutions, public and private organizations both in Greece and abroad, through activities such as:

  • Joint design workshops
  • Conference participation
  • Promoting the Erasmus program among students and faculty
    E) Conduct high-level research through European and national programs as well as partnerships with private and public sectors.
    F) Support the research and architectural work of faculty members.
    G) Ensure transparency, equal opportunities, and adherence to ethical standards across all levels (academic, administrative, etc.).

The program's Quality Assurance System aims to enhance the quality of studies, foster excellence, and promote knowledge and innovation in both research and education.
It follows the "Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area" (ENQA) and the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE) how has the mission of ensuring high quality in higher education.

Quality Assurance Policy Implementation

The MSc program adheres to the commitments of the Department of Architecture and ensures the implementation of its Quality Assurance Policy through the active participation of all members of the academic community, including faculty, administrative staff, and students. This policy is publicly available on the program’s website and is presented during the annual orientation for new postgraduate students.

Objectives and Actions for Quality Assurance

The MSc program is committed to implementing quality assurance procedures that aim to:

  1. Ensure the suitability of the curriculum structure and the achievement of learning outcomes, in alignment with the European and National Qualification Frameworks. A Study Committee monitors the curriculum and recommends improvements to the Program Director and Coordination Committee.
  2. Enhance teaching quality and effectiveness while ensuring the qualifications of the academic staff. Faculty members publicly share their academic credentials, publications, and achievements on the department’s website for accountability and transparency.
  3. Promote research quality and output, including architectural and artistic projects.
  4. Improve support services such as administrative assistance, facilities, library resources, network services, and e-learning tools for online education and communication.
  5. Encourage postgraduate student participation in evaluation and program governance. To address low student engagement in course evaluations, the program has introduced alternative printed questionnaires and recommends that instructors highlight the importance of evaluation during their lectures.

Internal Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

The MSc program has established an Internal Evaluation Team responsible for monitoring and improving quality assurance measures. It collaborates with the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of the University of Thessaly to develop quality indicators for assessing the program’s performance.

Evaluation is an ongoing, participatory process. Through systematic assessment, the MSc program formulates well-documented recommendations for enhancing academic, research, and administrative functions. The ultimate goal is to establish evidence-based strategies for institutional improvement and academic excellence.