Ημερίδες  2023-2024 (χειμερινό εξάμηνο) στο πλαίσιο των μαθήματος
"Σύγχρονη αρχιτεκτονική σε παλιά κτίρια και ιστορικά σύνολα" του
"Π.Μ.Σ. Επαναχρήσεις κτιρίων και συνόλων"



·        01/Traces and Memory

o   Session 1: Traces

Charbel Maskineh, Lebanese University, “Palimpsest. The Trace as Genetic Code among Architecture and Urban Culture”

Phoebe Giannisi, UTH, “Bones and Words”

o   Session 2: Μemories

Petros Phokaidis, UTΗ, “Architectural Politics of Memory in Post/Colonial Cyprus”

Raluca Manilou, TU Iasi, “The Unbearable Lightness of Dissonant Heritage”

o   Session 3: The Art of Collecting

Luca Galofaro, UniCam, “Montaging Traces”

Jeff Vanderpool, CYA. “Surface Traces: The Photography of Record and Memory”

·        02/Heritage and Reuse

o   Session 1: Rebuilding Heritage

Zissis Kotionis, UTH, “Pikionis in the Anthropocene”

Alessandro Camiz, Özyeğin University "Post-earthquake Design and Adaptive Reuse of Small Historical Towns: Castelvecchio Calvisio (AQ)"

o   Session 2: Heritage and Reuse

Nadine Augustiniok, UHasselt, “Adaptive Reuse of Built Heritage: Belgium as a case study and Values as a tool”

Stiliani Lefaki, AUTH, “Question of the management of the memory in Berlin”

o   Session 3: Accessibility to Heritage

Fabiano Micocci,UTH, “Accessibility for all in Heritage Buildings and Archaeological sites”

Stelios Lekakis, NCL, “Commons and the Prospect of Accessibility in Cultural Heritage Resources. The Case of Island Greece”

·        03/Reuse for Urban Regeneration

·        Session 1: Reusing the Industrial Landscape

Kostas Adamakis, UTH, “Induistrial Heritage in Volos”

Aspasia Kouzoupi, UTH “Reuse of prefabricated construction elements and Landscape”

·        Session 2: Reuse for Urban Regeneration

Nikos Belavilas, NTUA, “The Experiment of the revitalization of Lavrio after the de-industrialization (1990-2024)”

Nadia Bertolino, UniPV, “Radical adaptation: community-led practices of spatial reuse”